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CDs/DVDs: Suggestions for a Holiday Gift List11/28/2012 The Benedictines of Mary sing Advent Music: A. Kirchschlager: songs from Schubert to Mahler: Pianist Anna Gourari plays J.S. Bach & Hindemith: A. Rangell plays J.S. Bach: Cellist L. Buruiana plays Brahms: V. Perez plays Chopin: U. Lemper sings Weimar era cabaret songs: M. Abel’s “Dream Gallery”: John Cage: “A Tribute”with John Pierce: Glazunov’s Raymonda at Teatro alla Scala: Adriana Lecouvreur at La Scala: G. Pierné’s Cydalise et le chèvre-pied: Guglielmo Tell at La Scala: Complete Ballet Music from Verdi’s Operas: Eton Choirbook sung by TONUS PEREGRINUS: Ars Nova Copenhagen performs music by A. Pärt: E. Wolf-Ferrari’s Wind Concertinos: M. Padmore sings Britten & Finzi: J.-E. Gardiner conducts Brahms’ Ein deutsches Requiem: C. Abbado conducts Bruckner’s 5th Symphony: ConcertoNet is on Facebook Twitter: @concertonet ConcertoNet’s Editorial Committee