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All the reviews
* 10/28/2023 - Státní opera Reprise de La Belle au bois dormant* 09/02/2023 - Národní divadlo Reprise de Libuse* 07/03/2019 - National Theatre Revival of Tosca* 07/02/2019 - National Theatre Revival of Macbeth* 07/01/2019 - National Theatre Revival of Carmen* 01/22/2015 - Opéra d’Etat Nouvelle production de Mefistofele de Boito* 10/09/2014 - Théâtre national La Chute d’Arkona de Fibich* 09/04/2014 - Théâtre national Reprise du Jacobin de Dvorák* 11/02/2012 - Théâtre des Etats Don Giovanni* 12/21/2005 - Rudolfinum Christmas Oratorio by Peter Schreier* 04/25/2005 - Rudolfinum Roman Patocka's debut with Jiri Belohlavek* 02/06/2005 - Prague Castle La Clemenza di Tito* 02/01/2005 - Church of St. Simon and Juda Midori in recital* 08/03/2004 - Stavoske divadlo Don Giovanni* 05/18/2001 - Smetana Hall Gardiner conducts the Czech Philharmonic
Reviews 1 to 15